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Unreal PvP Map

This project was born from a late night conversation with a Destiny 2 clanmate where we were discussing the PvP maps that were currently in the game and which were not (as of November 2023). We talked about our favourites and why they stood out compared to the others. This talk inspired me to make a Crucible map that would fit the world of Destiny.
I decided to take inspiration from the earth-centric maps namely Widow's Court, Rusted Lands & Bannerfall while also consulting lore entries and books regarding specific locations in universe like Europe and the Americas.

The map is being made as part of the Lyra Framework for Unreal Engine 5 as this allowed me to quickly implement bots, networking and give me a solid base to work from. This will also allow me to try out multiple game modes like Zone Capture and TDM/Clash.

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